Thursday, September 6, 2018

Xian Shopping for Lacquer Wares (Monday, August 20th, 2018)

Although China is technologically very advance, every once in a while we would see something like this that would just blow our minds.  How did he do that?

While we were in Xian, we visited a lacquer wares shop that had a whole lot more to offer than just lacquer wares.  So I'll give you a quick tour of the shop.

Imitation terracotta warriors, from small and compact...

To life size!

 Extraordinary ceramics and porcelain.

Lacquer Furniture that was still in progress.

He is painting on gold leaf in this picture.

And completed lacquer furniture.  It was beautiful!

These were antique pieces.

More lacquer furniture.

These look like paintings, but they are silk stitchery.


Once again, we were browsers and  not shoppers, but we really enjoyed the chance to look at the amazing quality of everything in this shop.

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