Friday, September 7, 2018

Dinner on Our Own Near Xian City Wall (Monday, August 20th, 2018)

There was an optional dinner and show tonight with the tour group, but Steve and I wanted to see more of Xian, so we chose to just do this evening on our own. There are not a lot of restaurants in our area, but we knew that if we started walking we could find something that looked good. 

We made our way outside the city wall, and quickly came upon a few small restaurants. There was one that was pretty crowded with locals, so we decided that was where we would go. It was called Baohua Jiujia. 

We went in, and it wasn’t clear if we should wait, or seat ourselves, so we stood there and waited. Two women that had already been seated signaled to us to seat ourselves, so we did. 

Soon after that the owner of the restaurant came out with menus for us. She spoke pretty good English and welcomed us to her restaurant. She took our drink order and we asked her for more time to decide what we wanted to eat. The menu was huge, and had English translations, but they really weren’t very helpful. There were some that were extremely helpful though because they let us know that the meat was a part of the animal that we don’t typically eat, like intestine, brain, and stomach; so we knew to stay away from those. 

 We ended up choosing sweet and sour pork ribs, grilled egg plant on iron plate and stir fried mushrooms with lotus seed. As we ordered the last entrĂ©e, the owner said “And that’s enough” to let us know that her portions were big and that would be enough food for us. We also ordered two beers. They came in ½ liter bottles and were 65 cents each, who can pass that up?

When our meals came out, we were very pleasantly surprised! They looked and tasted amazing! 

We talked to the owner a little more, and she said that she learned her English in school over 30 years ago. We told her that her English was very good. She remembered a lot in those 30 years! She also told us that she has had this restaurant for 30 years, and she was very proud that it was still in business. We can totally understand why she is still in business, her food is amazing.

When we finished dinner, we tried to order some green tea cake for dessert, but she was out of it for the day, so we tried to order some pumpkin cookies instead and she said that she was also out of those for the day. She said that the only desserts she had left were fried rice with soy sauce, or noodles. Neither of those really sounded much like dessert to us, so we passed on dessert.

We really enjoyed our dinner out, and the chance to once again figure things out on our own. After several days of having the tour group pamper us, it was fun to give ourselves a little challenge and take a little risk.

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