Thursday, September 13, 2018

Heading to Shanghai, China (Monday, August 27th, 2018)

After departing the Century Sun river cruise ship, where we enjoyed an incredible four-day Yangtze River cruise, we hopped on a bus that would take us to the airport for our final flight to Shanghai, our final destination in China.  We sat back and enjoyed the views for our short trip.

When we arrived in Shanghai after a short flight, we stopped at a shopping mall to stretch our legs since we were too early to check into our hotel.  There just happened to be a Walmart at this particular mall, so we wanted to compare it to a Walmart that we would have in the U.S.

First of all, Chinese people like their food very fresh, so the Walmart in Shanghai really catered to that.

Okay, this was a new one.  Roasted duck head.  We've seen a lot of interesting food in China, but this was a first for us.

Unfortunately for the Chinese people, some of our not so fresh, not so healthy vices has also made their way to China.  But they have some very interesting flavors that we've never seen before.

Then it was time to check into our hotel and get settled one again.

As always, the hotel was absolutely amazing!  

We'll have to be more careful when we book our next trip with Gate-1 to make sure they know we are a couple and would prefer on bed, but it wasn't a problem for this trip, and it was our own fault.

Views from our room.

Another amazing breakfast buffet.  They are always great and always have a really nice variety of food.

It's sad to think that this is our final city on this amazing journey through China, where we have seen things older than Jesus, and things much newer than us. We will enjoy one more great day here before heading back home.

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