Saturday, September 8, 2018

Chengdu, China - Huanglongxi Village (Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018)

After leaving the Stone Buddha, we stopped at the Huanglongxi Village.  The road on the way in to the village was part of the adventure.  We understand that several tour buses have gotten stuck!

Huanglongxi  is a very popular, traditional Chinese village. A small river runs through the center, and the streets are lined with shops. 

The river is supposed to be a dragon. If you walk down the river, you will eventually reach the dragons tail. This is near the ancient pier where the two rivers come together. If you walk up the river, you will reach the head of the dragon.

The village is very crowded!

A spice shop, this is a dream come true!

There is a lot of "Meat on a Stick" in China.  We had no idea that this was such a big thing!

This is quite a shoe shop!

We just kept walking through the village toward the pier and the dragon's tail.

This river is used as a huge water park, so the probability of getting a little cool down is pretty high.

 Anyone for a bug snack?

 It was an extremely busy day in the village, so Steve and I decided we would enjoy finding a nice quiet spot. When we reached the ancient pier, we turned right and found ourselves in an area that seemed to be just the locals. 

There was a cute little lady that had a fish spa, so we offered her 20 yuan ($3) and asked her if we could both use her spa. She happily accepted our offer, so we sat in comfy chairs and enjoyed a fish spa instead of fighting the crowds in the village. It was heavenly! Steve has never had a fish spa before, so it was fun to see what he thought, and he loved it! 

Steve got mad at me for hogging all of the fish, but apparently I needed a pedicure worse than he did.

Isn't she a beauty!

When we got back to our meeting point, we still had some time to spare, so we walked a little further to find the head of the dragon.

Wow, pretty cool!  A huge fountain at the head.  And more kids here to enjoy it.

I have to say that the Huanglongxi Village was a hopping place.  Too busy for us in fact.  I know that a lot of people in our group really enjoyed the chance to do some more shopping, but Steve and I were so glad that we found the fish spa where were could just sit and relax away from the crowds!

A sight along our way home; just a few rental bikes. 

After leaving the village, we all went to a dim sum (small bites) style dinner at a nearby restaurant and then made our way back to the hotel by bus, enjoying the beautiful lights of the city at night. 

It is always fun to watch the group come together and to see the camaraderie of the all of the individuals. This travel group seems to be melding nicely!

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