Thursday, September 13, 2018

Three Gorges Dam, China (Monday, August 27th, 2018)

This morning we finally got to see the dam that has caused so much commotion throughout the Yangtze river valleys.  The Three Gorges Dam is the world's longest and most ambitious hydroelectric project ever undertaken by man, nearly six times the size of Hoover Dam.  This project has forever changed the landscape surrounding the Yangze River.

These cables cars were used to lift the passengers from the ships, up the embankment to the parking lot at the top.

The ship locks allowing the larger ships to pass from the Yangtze River down to the ocean ports.  

 Our first stop was the museum where we learned all about the dam. 

Then our walking tour to see the dam in real life.  The Three Gorges Dam does not allow tours on the premises,  only viewing from the outside, so we made our way to the viewing platform.

The lock area of the dam.

The ship elevator for the smaller ships. 

Then back to the ship for lunch.  All of the other passengers had to disembark at the dam, but since we were with Gate-1, we had a late checkout and a nice quiet lunch on board. So back to the cable car to return to the ship.

On the cable car we ran into this guy.  He owned a restaurant in town and was delivering lunch to some of the ship crew who were very happy to get a change from the ships food.

We enjoyed a very nice lunch on board the Century Sun, and then put our luggage outside our door for the porters to pick up and load onto our bus for our trip to Shanghai.

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