Thursday, September 13, 2018

Farewell Dinner- Shanghai, China (Tuesday, August 28th, 2018)

Each Gate-1 trip ends with a farewell dinner, giving everyone a chance to say goodbye, and to thank our amazing tour guide for "herding us cats" for the last three weeks.  The tour guides job is not an easy one, so it is really nice to be able to show our appreciation in a nice quiet setting.  It's also sun to have a chance to get dressed up a little bit and relax after so many days of hot, sweaty and super fun!

As usual, there was so much delicious food!  We will definitely miss this part of our vacation!

Sweet and sour fish, oh my!

Little cream filled rice balls for dessert.

The farewell dinner is usually the last outing of the trip, but tonight, in Shanghai, they still had one more little surprise for us!

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