Friday, September 7, 2018

Xian City Wall and Park (Tuesday, August 21st, 2018)

Steve and I got up early this morning so that we could enjoy a stroll in the park before we leave this beautiful city.  The park and city wall are right across the street from our hotel, so we couldn't let this opportunity slip away.  

This wall was built 600 years ago during the Ming dynasty to protect the city. Today the city extends far beyond the wall, but the wall still stands as part of the cities history.

The activities in this park were very different than the activities in yesterday’s park, so we got to see a whole new side of Xian, China.

There were a lot more people just walking.

Ping pong.

This looks really easy, but I think I pulled something.

And this guy is the grand finale of this post!  That's crazy!

We didn’t really join in today because we had limited time, but we really enjoyed watching all of the people as we walked through. The men playing ping pong really wanted us to join them, but we didn't want to get whipped by a bunch of 80 year old men anyway, so we had to pass.

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