Thursday, September 13, 2018

Morning Along the Yangtze, China (Sunday, August 26th, 2018)

This morning's adventure along the Yangtze gave us a chance to shop and learn a new game.

Before the dam was built, tourist ships could not be on this river, so one good thing the dam did was bring tourism to this once remote area of China. 

At our first stop, we got off the boat to do some shopping.  Because the river is currently low, the embankment is very long, so there was a retractable escalator on the embankment for the tourists.

 Our view of the ship from the escalator.

The cables that pull the escalator back up as the waters of the Yangtze rise. 

After riding the escalator up, we made our way into town for some shopping.

The vendor weighing Geraldine's fruit.

 Beautiful mushrooms.

More of the whole cooked chickens.  They taste better than they look.

When we finished our shopping, we jumped back on the ship to relax and cool down.

Coffee time in the executive lounge! 

And then it was time to learn to play mahjong.

Mahjong became a huge team builder for the people in our group over the next two days.  It was fun to watch the friendly competition that came out in everyone.

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