Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Xian Dumpling Dinner (Sunday, August 19th, 2018)

It has been a big day with our morning flight and our afternoon at the Wild Goose Pagoda, but we still have one more big event waiting for us.  To welcome us to Xian, we will be attending a traditional dumpling dinner.  

After leaving the pagoda, we traveled to our hotel and got checked in.  Our luggage was waiting for us inside our room when we opened the door.  I LOVE that!  We had plenty of time to shower and relax before we needed to leave for our dinner.

Dumplings are a local cuisine in Xian, so it was fun to try them and see what the favorite food of people in this region is.  

When we got to the restaurant, we started out with some light appetizers, followed by 16 different kinds of handmade Chinese dumplings. 14 were entrĂ©e dumplings, and two were dessert dumplings.  They were all very different, and some were even in soup.

Our appetizers.

To help us keep track of our dumplings, we were even provided with a dumpling menu.  It really was helpful, and aided to bridge the language barrier with our waitstaff as well.  It really was nice to have an idea of what was inside of each dumpling before we bit into it, and it helped us to save the dessert dumplings for last.

Our dinner was also accompanied by live music, very relaxing and enjoyable.

The dumplings came in many different shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.  

And when we finished enjoying our dumplings we got to watch a demonstration on how they are made.

Traditional dumplings were a great way to begin our journey in Xian.  

When we returned to the hotel, Steve and I decided to take a short walk to work off some of our dumplings.  

Just across the street from our hotel is the Xian City Wall.  Along the wall is a seven mile long park where the locals hang out in the morning and evening.  So we walked over to the wall, and strolled through a small section of the park before returning to the hotel for a good nights sleep.

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