Monday, September 16, 2019

Snoqualmie Falls, WA (Sunday, September 8th, 2019)

We met up with one of Steve's college roommates today, Kurt and his wife Karen.  They live in Sammamish, which is a bit east of Seattle in the hills.  The area they live in is beautiful!  We showed us around their area a bit.  Our first stop was Snoqualmie Falls.

As with most rivers, these falls are used for hydroelectric power in addition to being a beautiful place to see.  Kurt and Karen said that in the spring and summer the falls are much bigger, but we thought they were still magnificent today.

After touring the falls, we stopped by their favorite chocolate shop, and then enjoyed a wonderful dinner with them and their kids.  We loved our accommodations of the "garden level apartment", also known as their basement guest room before heading out the next morning to return to our home on base.  Thanks Kurt and Karen for hosting us!

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