Friday, September 13, 2019

Disc Golf, Walla Walla, WA (Sunday, September 1st, 2019)

Our son (in-law) who chose this vacation while he was deployed last winter had also mentioned that there was a disc golf course in town, and that it would be fun to play.  So as a special treat, Steve and I bought a three disc golf set for each person so could do just that.

About two minutes from our RV Park, RV Resort Four Seasons, was Fort Walla Walla and the disc golf park.  They have two courses, the red course, which is fairly short, and the blue course, which is a bit longer.  We were warned when we arrived that since we were in shorts and flip flops that we might want to stick with the red course.  We didn't really understand the warning at first, but quickly realized that the wild blackberries are thorny and aggressive if your disc happens to end up in them, as ours did quite often.

After our day of disc golf, we enjoyed some down time at the RV park before heading to dinner at White House Crawford.

This is an amazing restaurant in Walla Walla if your ever in the area.

Our kids will leave us tomorrow, so we have done our best to enjoy every second with them.  Six people in a motor home could be a recipe for disaster, but I have to say it worked out amazingly well.  Thank goodness for outdoor picnic tables and good weather while they were here.  But mostly, thank goodness for great attitudes all around.  These kids are such amazing people!

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