Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Pepper Bridge Farms - Falcons (Saturday, August 31st, 2019)

Our kids arrived late last night.  Our youngest and her boyfriend flew into Sea-Tac, where our oldest and her husband picked them up and they all drove out to Walla Walla.  

Our morning started at the Pepper Bridge Farms Vineyard, where we joined them for a Falcon demonstration.  Keeping the birds and rodents out of their ripening grapes in an ongoing challenge for all wineries, so Pepper Bridge has started using falcons as a deterrent.

They bring a falcon out periodically to fly through the fields as a natural threat.  The birds are well trained, and seem to enjoy their work.

When the falconer is ready for the bird to start working, he removes the hood and allows the falcon to fly.  The falconer then gives it whistle commands to help it work more effectively.

The views from the vineyard were beautiful, and it was really fun to learn about the different flavors based on elevation, water, wind, etc. that the grapes are grown in.

As a special treat, our son (in-law) and daughter's friend and co-worker was wine tasting in Walla Walla that day too, and joined us for the vineyard tour.  They even got to ride out in the Tesla!

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