Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tacos at El Flaco Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Sunday, October 7th, 2018)

When we left Puerto Vallarta back in July, we realized that we still wanted more time, so we went down to the desk of our hotel and booked another stay in October.  So now were back and ready to do a little more exploring.  We drove into LA yesterday via Riverside and stayed overnight last night.  We enjoyed a great meal at our favorite Thai restaurant (Ayara Thai) and got a good night's sleep.  Our flight left at 11:40 this morning and we were here by 4:40 (after a two hour time change), so not bad at all.

After a little time to settle in, we ventured out for dinner.  Last time we were here we kept walking past a taco stand that always looked amazing, so tonight it was our dinner of choice.  They have a couple of tables complete with table cloths, and along the building they have a few stools under the cover of the building.  We chose the covered stools since it looked like it could rain at any moment.

We each ordered four tacos al pastor.

The al pastor on the spit!

The condiment bar.  Oh so good.  The salsas range from hot to mild starting on the left.  Pickled onions, fresh limes and cucumbers in the back.

I was only able to eat three of my tacos, and Steve said that four was plenty for him (although he managed to finish my last taco for me).  The tacos were 75 cents each, and we both walked away stuffed.  And they were amazing!  So glad we gave them a try.

We are in the same hotel as before, but a different room this time.  We still have a good view, although not quite as good as last time.

We're really excited about our room this time.  It is the only room on the 4th floor, so it is incredibly private with great outdoor space!

The view up the hill  to the south.

 We're super excited for the opportunity to spend a little more time in this beautiful town, and we're just as excited to be able to share it with you!

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