Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dinner at Daiquiri Dick's, Puerto Vallarta, MX (Saturday, October 13th, 2018)

Today we met up with a couple of the expats from the expat dinner a few nights ago.  Phil wanted to meet at Daiquiri Dick's one of the beach side restaurants just a little north of us.

Phil is a very interesting guy that has lived in just about every large city in the U.S. and has been coming to Puerto Vallarta for about 9 years.  He has worked in human resources and has been a teacher.  He sounds like exactly the type of teacher I would have enjoyed having.  

Fabian was born and raised in Guadalajara and now lives in Puerto Vallarta.  He originally worked in the hospitality industry and is now trying to make a career change into some type of logistics.  He is great at speaking both English and Spanish, so can be a great help if we ever need it.  Both are super nice guys.  

Fairly quickly the waiter came around to take our drink orders.  Phil and Fabian are regulars here, and it's our first time, so we asked for their recommendations, they recommended the passion fruit daiquiri's that were on special tonight.

We enjoyed our conversation for awhile, a then it was time to order dinner.  Phil said he really likes their Asian chicken salad, and I always love Asian chicken salad, so I was in.  Steve and Fabian quickly jumped on the band wagon and it quickly turned into an order of four large Asian chicken salads.

I have to say, it was a pretty amazing salad.  It had more garlic than I am used to in this type of salad, but it was really good!

When we finished dinner, Phil wanted to take us to another place he likes called A Page in the Sun right by the park in the romantic zone.  We have heard from several people that they have great coffee and desserts.  But when we got there they had a really loud band playing so we all decided that wasn't the place for us.  We walked a little further south, and ended up at Cafe San Angels. This is a picture of it in the day as I forgot to take a night-time picture.

There we enjoyed a strawberry cheesecake, and Phil and Fabian had lemon pie.  Ours was great, and theirs looked really good too.  We're not usually dessert people, so this was a real treat!

We've really enjoyed getting to know some of the expats in the area, and learning their stories.  Everyone here has an interesting story to share, you just have to take the time to listen!  We hope to get together with Phil and Fabian soon!

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