Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Rio Cuale Walk, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Wednesday, October 17th, 2018)

When we finished at the ATM, with money in hand, we still had another errand to run, but since the weather has cleared up again, we decided to take the long way through town.

We had been walking up a street that backs up to the Cuale River, but there were houses blocking our view.  We finally came to a opening where there was a bridge that crossed the river so we ventured out on the bridge.

From the bridge we had a great view of all the trees and wildlife along the river.

We left the bridge on the same side that we entered from, and continued along a walk that ran along the river.  This was a really beautiful area, with older mexican styles homes/condo.  It was nice to see that money hasn't taken over all of the beautiful places in the world.  The people along the river still have a peaceful place to call their own.

When we left the river walk, we continued on toward our final errand of the day.

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