Wednesday, October 17, 2018

116 Pulpita Gastro Bar, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Tuesday, October 17th, 2018)

It's been raining for the last two days, and when I say raining, I don't mean sprinkling.  It has been pouring for two days solid!  I think we probably got around 3 inches! We ran out to the ATM yesterday with umbrellas (and that was a failure of a trip), and that's been the extent of our outside time.  

It's still raining tonight, so we decided to try a new little restaurant that is literally right beneath our hotel.  It's so tiny that we honestly didn't even know it was there until a few days ago, but it comes with great reviews, and it's SO close!  It's called 116 Pulpita Gastro Bar, and it literally has six tables; three inside and three outside, and about four chairs at the bar.  

Tonight was buy one get one free margarita night, so we each ordered a margarita while we looked at the menu.  The menu is really fun, with all kinds of tapas to choose from in addition to their salads, sliders and pizzas.

They also brought out a complimentary hummus to enjoy with our drinks.

Since they are a tapas restaurant, they assume that you are going to split what you order, which is really nice.  We started out with the spinach salad.  It came with thinly sliced pears, candied nuts, dried bananas and goat cheese.  It was heavenly!

Next we ordered the tempura vegetables.  It is a really nice mix of vegetables served with two sauces.  One is a sweet and sour sauce, and then other is a wasabi mayonnaise.  When they first brought this dish out, I tried one of the vegetables without anything and I really thought it was lacking salt, but then I tried my next piece with the combination of sauces, and it was a game changer.  It was just the right mix of sweet, crunchy and flavorful!

Finally, we ordered the turuletos.  This is shrimp wrapped in bacon and grilled/baked.  They are served on a bed of creamy blue cheese sauce with thin pear slices on top.  Once again, the perfect combination of flavors!

This is the first restaurant we've found in Puerto Vallarta that actually serves portions that we can eat!  If you want more, you can keep ordering, but if you are full, you can stop.  We love eating tapas style!  This is such a great find for us!  We'll definitely be back!

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