Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hurricane Willa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Monday, October 23rd, 2018)

We have been through one other hurricane in our lives, and that was hurricane Eduardo about eight years ago in Playa Del Carmen.  It was only a category 1, so we really don't know what to expect with hurricane Willa (currently still a category 4).  This was our personal watch center last night.  😓😲


We had rain all day yesterday, and just kept waiting for the wind, but it never came.  I'm not kidding, no wind, not even a breeze.  So we went to bed last night with our important bags packed, just in case we had to evacuate wondering when it would hit. This happened to us last time when we were in Eduardo, so we decided to be ready this time!

It's Monday morning now, and hurricane Willa has passed us, and is still heading north in the Pacific.  It has not made landfall yet; that is expected to happen tomorrow morning (hopefully south of Mazatlan).  And as of this morning, still no wind.  None!

We decided to go out and take a look now that it is safely past us.  Since there was no wind, we are really not expecting much damage, except for maybe from the rain or storm surge.

Our first glimpse across the street from our hotel.  Definitely some storm surge.

All of the beach front restaurants are completely empty.  Probably a good choice on their part.

Where the umbrellas used to be on the beach, there are only sticks. 

The waves today are just mesmerizing to watch!

Up from the beach there is sand and debris everywhere. There is concrete under there somewhere!

Some stores are flooded even after their efforts to sandbag.

There is caution tape at every beach entrance.  Cross the tape and you get to try on hand cuffs for size. We saw a couple surfers getting this treatment!

We couldn't get near the beach side of the Rio Cuale, so I took this picture from the bridge a few blocks up.  It's really flowing.

Thank goodness for the sea wall along the Malecon!  The waves have still thrown rocks the size of bowling balls over the wall and onto the walkway.

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