Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Humming Bird Feeder for Betsy, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Saturday, October 13th, 2018)

Today was supposed to be a leisure day, but this morning after breakfast we stopped in the office to talk to Betsy.  She is the main office girl, and is sweet as can be.  We told her about our trip to the botanic gardens yesterday and asked her if she has ever been.  She said no, but that she would really love to go sometime because she loves humming birds and would love for her and her 7 year old son to see them.  

Well, of course, that tugged on our heart strings and we knew that we would no longer be having a day of leisure.  We would now be on a quest for a hummingbird feeder!  The only place we could think of that might have one is Walmart, and that is clear on the north side of town.  So we went back to the room, grabbed our stuff and headed to the bus stop to catch the bus to Walmart.  

It took us awhile, but we finally found a humming bird feeder.  So we bought it and some sugar and brought it back to the hotel. 

She was so excited when we gave it to her.  She talked about all of her options where she might hang it, either on her balcony over looking the street, but that might be to busy with cars and scare away the humming birds, or maybe in her indoor/outdoor laundry room which was on the quieter side of the house.  It had a lower ceiling and would be an easier place to hang it. She was excited to work on the project with her seven year old son.  

We showed her how it worked, and explained to her how to make the nectar for the birds.  She was so excited.  I hope she enjoys it and can get the birds to come!

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