Saturday, October 13, 2018

La Comer on a Local, Local Bus, Puerto Vallarta (Wednesday, October 10th, 2018)

We started out on a quest this morning to go to Costco to get Steve some new eye glasses.  

We have ridden the local buses before.  They are the blue buses that go from our neighborhood in El Centro to the north on the main thoroughfare, as far as Walmart, Sams Club and the Marina.  But we have never ventured out on the local, local buses until today.  The local, local buses are the green buses, and they are the ones that venture up into all of the different neighborhoods of the city.  They aren't as nice as the local buses, in fact, they don't have air conditioning like the blue buses do, but they are well used by the people of Puerto Vallarta and can get you just about anywhere you want to go in town. They cost 7.5 pesos per person per ride.  About 40 cents.

So we walked to the park where you catch the buses, and caught the local, local (green) bus that goes north to the Costco neighborhood.  It was a really easy ride and dropped us off right across the street from Costco.  As always Steve likes to track the progress of the buses on his phone (Google Maps), just to make sure we are going where we think we are going!

When we got there, we were early for Steve's appointment, so we decided to stop in to the new La Comer store that is next door.  It is a huge grocery mega store that is just amazing.  It is a beautiful store that has everything you could ever need, and all very fresh.  

We really never imagined shopping in this kind of luxury in Puerto Vallarta. It has certainly changed from when we used to come down here 20 years ago.  The more we continue to explore the more we find. 

We heard about this store from a couple of the expats last night at the happy hour, so we were very excited to see it and see what it has to offer.  Star had recommended a bread that they make and sell there, so we decided to give it a try.  It is called pan cristal, and it is really good.  It has a really nice crispy crust and a soft interior.

I think that from now on we will take the bus to La Comer instead of using the local grocery stores.  It is that nice!  Unless of course we are looking for an adventure!  Then it's hard to tell where we might end up!

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