Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Grateful After Hurricane Willa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Wednesday, October 24th, 2018)

Willa finally made landfall last night, south of Mazatlan as expected.  We are so grateful that Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan were both spared from the brunt of this tremendous storm.  We do feel sorry for those that were effected by the storm.

And this morning we woke to blue skies for the first time in days!

Puerto Vallarta is getting back to normal today after several tense days of waiting.

The boats are coming back to the taxi stand.

The clean up is beginning.

The sandbags are being emptied.

The sidewalks are being cleaned.

Yes there is concrete under there somewhere!

The Rio Cuale is still high, but definitely coming down.  We are now able to see it from the ocean side again.

The boards are coming back down.

The mud is being swept out.

It was fun to walk up the Malecon and see how resilient this town is.  Hurricane Willa was a small inconvenience here in Puerto Vallarta, because the people really didn't let it slow them down.

While we were on the Malecon, we stopped in to the Bar Oceano Restaurant for some traditional green chilaquiles with chicken and coffee for breakfast.  We have been missing it.  And you just can't beat this restaurant for good chilaquiles!  Thanks again for the referral Cyndi and Dennis!

The view from our table isn't bad either.

After a wonderful breakfast, it was time to get back out there and enjoy the beautiful day.

I think the pigeons are even enjoying the day.  There is a pigeon perched on almost every palapa.  It must feel good to dry out and warm up.

And as we return to the hotel, things are looking much more normal again.

We're so grateful that Hurricane Willa was somewhat kind to Mexico!

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