Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sunglasses, Bread, Bologna and a Cookie (Sunday, October 21st, 2018)

We got a call yesterday that Steve's new glasses are  ready, so today we are going to Costco to pick them up.

When we caught the buses to Costco in the past, we have always caught the "El Centro" buses that drive through the lower part of town, but today the first bus that came by was a "Tunel" (tunnel) bus, so we decided to give it a try.  

It ended up to be a much quicker and smoother ride than the El Centro buses because the route is shorter, and it's on a paved highway instead of the cobble stone streets.  Another lesson learned!

We picked up Steve's new sun glasses at Costco.  Unfortunately the regular pair wasn't ready yet.  Another issue caused by the language barrier.  We didn't realize that only one pair was ready.  And to their defense, the sunglasses were actually ready early (4-days).  Steve put them on and walked around the store, and he is super happy!  He says the new prescription is perfect.

Then we walked across the parking lot to La Comer to pick up a few groceries that we need. We went back to the bakery to get some more of the amazing Pan Cristal.  And while we were there we decided to try this chocolate frosted cookie.  

We have not had great luck buying sweet treats in Mexico.  They just aren't sweet, but we're trying again.  

I just had to throw in this picture of the deli.  They have about 100 different kinds of bologna, but that's it.  There is no other deli meat to choose from.  No beef, no turkey, no chicken, no ham, only bologna.  What type of  bologna can I get you today? Just different again!

When we left La Comer we hopped on a bus back home.  We decided to be brave and use another "Tunel" bus (you know, for the speed and smooth ride).  We really weren't sure that it would take us back to our usual bus stop, but we decided to take a chance.  Steve followed our progress on his phone, and once again a successful trip!  We're finally starting to understand the buses, and we love them.  They are so predictable, convenient and cheap!

And now for the verdict on the cookie....

Doesn't this look like a lot of chocolate yumminess?

The taste test.....drum roll please.....

Not so good!  The chocolate frosting is not sweet, and it kind of reminds me of the chocolate frosted hostess mini donuts.  Very waxy!!! Oh well, we'll keep trying.  So far the orange mini loaf from Super Ley is the winner of the sweet treats!

We made it back home before the rain started.  It is typically nice during the day, and rains every evening.  Today the rains started early at abut 2:30, and they are going strong.  We are very happy to have a really comfortable space where we can spread out, cook, lounge or do whatever we want while the rain comes down.

It sounds like this might be just the beginning of the rain for us for the next week or so.  Hurricane Willa is out in the Pacific making it's way toward us.  It is expected to hit hard just a little bit north of us.  Stay tuned.  More to come.

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