Saturday, October 20, 2018

Holy Moly! I just Did That! (Saturday, October 20th, 2018)

The second big "thing" that has happened at home is that our youngest daughter has taken up hunting this year, with a lot of help from a friend.  She went antelope hunting last weekend with no luck.

But today, she got her first deer!  She got it with a single shot! 

She said she was a little traumatized by the whole event because this was her first experience ever getting her own meat, but by the end of the day she was getting more comfortable with it.  She said that she was very happy to be able to get healthy, natural meat in the most humane way possible.

Then, exactly a week later, she went out with her elk tag to see if she could get an elk (which is her favorite meat in the world!).  And sure enough, with another single shot, she got her first elk.

The elk was a little less traumatic for her, and she was even able to help a little with the meat preparation.  

After talking with her friend, we can tell that he is super proud of her, first of all for trying something she has never done before, and then, to get both a deer and an elk in her first year with two  clean shots!

It has definitely been an exciting fall for her, so now she just has to figure out a new freezer situation!  

Congratulations!  We are so excited for you! 

And a huge thanks for the great coaching and all of your patience!  

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