Saturday, August 15, 2015

Wedding Rehearsal Night (May 21st, 2015)

We spent most of the day finishing up last minute decorations for our oldest daughter's wedding, and making sure we had everything that would need to go to the Chateaux at Fox Meadows. Our oldest daughter and her fiancĂ© left us at about noon, to go pick up their officiant from the airport. We were planning on just meeting them at the Chateaux later. 

My parents arrived at our house at about 1:30, and got themselves settled in. The rehearsal was from 3:00 to 4:00, and since we had so much stuff to unload, we decided to get to the Chateaux a little bit early. When we got there, we pulled under the covered portico because it was raining again, and discovered that the doors were locked, but as we sat there we noticed the officiant and the happy couple outside by the gazebo already practicing. We watched them quietly while we waited in the truck. 

Soon the wedding coordinator from the Chateaux, Marissa, came and unlocked the door, and got a cart to help us carry all the wedding decor inside. We took it right in through the side door, and they used the elevator to take it downstairs. We were able to just leave it on the cart since her wedding would be the next one. By the time we got everything unloaded, all of the wedding party was beginning to show up for rehearsal. 

Since it has now rained for 19 out of the last 21 days, it was risky business to think that the wedding could be outside, but that is what the kids really wanted, so the rehearsal was held outside. We ran through an abbreviated version of the wedding 2 ½ times, allowing everyone to practice their parts, and to get the flower girl and ring bearer used to walking down the aisle. They are both 2 year olds, so watching them skip, run and roll down the aisle was so much fun. 

The groom with his mom and dad.  Their first walk down the isle.
A perfect walk down the isle!  Aren't they adorable?
Another perfect walk down the isle, but not for real yet.
Practice makes perfect.  One extra ring bearer this time.  
The happy couple

The grandparents all watched and took pictures, while Stephen’s Army officer friends practiced their marching and sword salute off to the side. 

Sword Salute Practice
A little paperwork to finish off the rehearsal.

Although it was very wet, chilly and cloudy, the rain stayed away. It was a beautiful night for a rehearsal!

The grooms family had chosen a wonderful Mexican restaurant called Corona’s for the rehearsal dinner. It was about a mile from the Chateaux, so we all followed each other over there for a great dinner full of toasts, and wonderful conversations. 

Rehearsal Dinner in a private room at Coronas.  Steve's and Andra's parents in the foreground.

The groom's family at the rehearsal dinner.
The happy couple!

All of the bridesmaids came back to our house to spend the night. What a wonderful time for all of these girls!

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