Wednesday, August 5, 2015

San Juan Viejo and Paella (July 15, 2014)

Today we headed back to Old San Juan for part two and three of Andra's walking tour. 

Walking the steep streets of San Juan Viejo

There are many statues throughout the city

Another steep hill, but this time a walking street only

This time we saw more highlights of the city and ended up at the other Castle. Very cool spot. San Juan Viejo is such a beautiful mix of old and new.   The following pictures were all taken inside the second castle (fort).  

Entering the underground prison

Views from the castle

This picture really shows the mix of old and new found in San Juan Viejo

There are a lot of stores if shopping and souvenirs are your thing, and lots of restaurants and cafes. There’s a beautiful little park in the middle of Old San Juna with a coffee stand, where you can just sit and relax, or you can walk for miles, just taking in the sights. 

Having drinks in the park.  I did great ordering in Spanish, until I panicked and switched to English. 

Fountain in the city

The prison cells at the old palace

A beautiful end to our walking tour

If you get hot, just pop into one of the little bars and have a drink. Everyone is so friendly and warm! 

 It was much hotter today so we headed back to the hotel to cool off, then on to the beach for beers and sand. Again amazed at how soft and fine the sand is. We went to dinner for paella at Antonio's. Very fancy place as waiters were in black ties. We had an amazing Caprese salad and then enough Paella for 10 people. We order for two but they brought for three. Darn, as wasted lots of it. 

Yummy Paella!

It was a really good dinner, but just too much food. We headed back to hotel for packing.  We're really going to miss Puerto Rico.  What an amazing island!  Lots to do and lots to see!

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