Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Boating on the California Side (July 28th, 2015)

There are so many great ways to enjoy boating on Lake Havasu, hanging in the channel with the crowds of people, finding a calmer beach, anchoring in a cove, or just floating in the lake. Today we decided to do it the easy way, and just float. We drove across the lake, toward the indian reservation (on the California side of the lake), and as we got about half way across the lake, we noticed a loon with a baby riding on her back. So we circled back around to get a closer look, and hopefully a picture. Unfortunately, when we circled back around, it scared her, so she started paddling hard, and the baby nestled down in her feathers so you could no longer see it. So we left her alone, and continued on our way across the lake. 

When we got near the California shore, we turned off the boat, grabbed our floaties and jumped into the cool water. Cool is a relative term, since the water surface temperature is about 85 degrees. What an incredibly beautiful day. 
Our daughter, doing what she loves to do!
With the river flowing in not too far north of us, you can feel a mixture of the river water and lake water, so there a pockets of cold water that are much cooler than the 85 degree lake water. 
The view from the boat, looking back at Lake Havasu City, Arizona
We stayed on the lake for a few hours, then pulled off and spent a quiet night at the house.  We made a wonderful dinner of grilled coconut shrimp and corn with a side salad.  It was so yummy!
Shrimp and corn on the Bar-B

Awesome dinner at the house

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