Sunday, August 9, 2015

First One's Coming Home (May 5, 2015)

Today is move home day for our oldest daughter. I will be moving her home from Boulder, where she went to school, for the final time. I arrived at the University of Colorado Boulder campus at about 9:00 am, and our daughter stopped what she was doing to go get me a temporary parking pass. As I was waiting for the pass, her friend, Rob rode up on his bike. He had also come to help move her out.  It was raining, so he jumped in the truck with me and waited. As soon as our daughter appeared with the parking pass, we all headed up to her apartment. She already had a lot of her stuff packed up, so moving was pretty easy. As we were getting her packed up, Steve joined us for a few minutes also. We cleaned her bathroom and bedroom, and hauled everything to the truck, and we were on our way. 

It was different coming home this time. In 2 ½ weeks, our oldest daughter will be a married woman, so we took the time to move all of her furniture to the basement, where she will live until her soon to be husband is done with his officer’s boot camp. At that point, they will start their lives together. This is such an exciting time in their lives, so we are very excited to share the details with all of you.

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