Sunday, August 9, 2015

Silt, Colorado (April 11-12, 2015)

We had a weekend with nothing planned, and the need to have something to do, so we decided to try out another Holiday Inn Express. Our friends Dawn and Steve had recently made a trip to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, and had stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Silt, Colorado. They gave it a good review when they got home, so we decided to give it a try. We left home Saturday morning with no real plan, other than to check out this hotel in Silt. The drive through the Rocky Mountains on Interstate-70 is an incredibly beautiful drive, no matter how many times you do it. So we decided that even if Silt was a bust, the drive would make it worth it. We were expecting to hit at least a little bit of ski traffic, but to our surprise, the roads were good and the traffic kept moving along. 

By the time we got to Glenwood Springs, we were getting a little hungry, and were ready to stretch, so we stopped and got two coffees and some granola bars. Glenwood Springs is a beautiful mountain town with the World’s Largest Hot Springs swimming pool. The pool is just north of the highway on the east end of town, and is very visible from the highway. If you haven’t been there before, it is something that you must do if you are in the area. The drive from Glenwood to Silt is only another 30 minutes or so. When we got into Silt at about 11:30 am, we pulled in to the Holiday Inn Express, and were greeted by the most friendly woman named Melissa. To our surprise, she had a room ready for us. She gave us our room key and we picked up our things from the car. It was a beautiful day in Silt, but there was a pretty cold breeze coming from the West. Something that we really didn’t think much about, until we got into our room and realized that she had given us a room with a balcony on the East side of the building, so the wind was completely blocked on our balcony. That was a huge bonus.

Also, in the middle of our living room was a Jacuzzi tub. That was a bit strange, but kind of a nice perk, and the room was quite nice.

Our main living area, complete with the jacuzzi.
Very nice separate bedroom

We got settled in, and decided to go look for some lunch. We found a little Chinese restaurant in the nearby town of Rifle.  Everyone else in the restaurant was eating their lunchtime buffet, but Steve and I try hard not to overeat, so we ordered off the menu.  I think we are the only ones that have ever done this; it really threw them off!  

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Rifle and Silt. They are both very small towns surrounded by farms and ranches. They both have a cute little downtown area where you can walk and window shop. Since it was cold and windy, we didn’t stay out too long. Instead, we went back to our hotel and enjoyed drinks and snacks on our beautiful balcony all afternoon.

The rooms on the back of the Holiday Inn Express face the beautiful Colorado River, so we watched cows grazing, ducks and herons in the river, and just the beauty of the water flowing by. Our balcony was so sunny and warm that we never wanted to leave it.

The cows grazing across the river.  One cow brings all the calves down for water.

The beautiful Colorado River with snow capped mountains in the background.

The hotel is right on  the Colorado River, you can't beat that!

Finally we got hungry and decided to try a restaurant that the desk attendant, Melissa, had suggested when we talked to her earlier. It was called the Miner’s Claim, and was right in downtown Silt at N. 8th Street and Main. It is a rustic little place, with probably about 8 tables inside, but they have a very nice sized porch that has clear sides during the winter. This is where we were seated. Then beyond this porch is another porch with a fire pit that can also be used year-round. 

Street view of the Miner's Claim Restaurant
Inside and Outside patios

The Miner’s Claim is famous for their martinis, so we both decided we would have to try one. Steve had a regular martini, and mine was carmel apple. We drank these while we had our bread and salad. Wow, they were really good. 

Love the stainless steel martini glasses!

We’re not big steak eaters, but this is a classic steak restaurant, so Steve ordered a ribeye with a red wine sauce, and I ordered a New York strip. Both were cooked to perfection, and came with a huge baked potato and assorted vegetables. These were the best steaks we’ve had in a long time, and the fact that they came with great sides didn’t hurt either. Our waitress was so attentive. Part way through our meal, I went to move my 3-piece martini shaker, and it fell apart as martini shakers do if you’re not careful, and our waitress came running to clean it up, and promptly brought me another full martini. When we had finished our meal, we opted for chocolate lava cake for dessert, and decided to have two more martinis to drink by the fire pit. We ate our chocolate lava cake, and then made our way to the fire pit. 

Our wonderful waitress took this picture for us by the firepit.

Our waitress came quickly and poured our martinis for us, and then left, but shortly, she reappeared with a beer in her hand and joined us by the fire pit. We began talking to her about her life, kids etc. and then within a few minutes, the hostess came out and joined us as well. We were having such a great talk with both of them. And then to our surprise, the bartender also joined us. It was such a great evening getting to know these three wonderful women. Our waitress soon noticed that the dishwasher was clearing one of the tables and realized that they had been off duty too long, and quickly ran to finish their night’s work. They encouraged us to enjoy the fire pit as long as we wanted, but it was getting late, so we finished our martinis and called it a night. What an unexpected pleasure to be able to spend this time at the fire pit with such great people. This is what small town Colorado is all about.

On Sunday morning, we went exploring the countryside. First we took a walk through the Silt Island Park, and then went for a drive around the area. There is a beautiful farming valley just north of Silt that you can’t even tell is there from the highway. 

So funny!  A silo with a tree growing out of it.

 What a relaxing little getaway!  

And as we made our way back through the beautiful Rocky Mountains, it once again reminded us of the amazing place we call home.

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