Sunday, August 9, 2015

Future Son-In-Law's Business School Graduation (May 8th, 2015)

Today is the day of the business school graduation at University of Colorado, Boulder. Our soon-to-be son-in-law is graduating with a double major in accounting and finance. Two very hard degrees done in four-years with lots of other commitments and responsibilities.....we are so very proud of him.

Today’s graduation is held indoors at the CU Event Center on campus. This graduation is only for the Leeds School for Business graduates, and is small enough that every graduate gets to walk across the stage, with their name being read and receive their diploma. 

Steve and I joined our soon-to-be son-in-law's family, as we all proudly watched him graduate. It was pouring rain outside, so we were all glad that this was an inside ceremony. 

Shaking hands with the Dean Ikenberry.

After the ceremony, we all met at a local brewery in Boulder, called Fate. They have a lot of really nice beers, all brewed right on the premises, but the best thing about this brewery is that they have great food as well. Steve and I shared a poached pear salad with grilled salmon. Yum! 

Such an fun and exciting day!

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