Sunday, August 2, 2015

Waiting For Retirement

We have been thinking about Steve’s retirement for several years now. He officially retired in August, 2014, but committed to go back to work for a while to formally transition his responsibilities. With both of our girls settled in at their respective universities, we were able to take the month of September off, and head down to Arizona to do a “retirement practice run”. We joined the gym, met some new friends, did a lot of boating, met up with our friends Ron and Carol in Las Vegas and really enjoyed ourselves. But then reality struck us again when September came to a close and it was time for Steve to return to work. He has chosen to work straight through, without vacations, in order to make the most of his transition, so that has made the winter drag on more than usual. We have made some attempts at mini-vacations on weekends, just to break things up. It’s kind of fun to see what kind of journey you can create in 24-48 hours, or sometimes even a little longer.  

We have been documenting our life for the past year, and will update our blog as time permits, once Steve retires.

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