Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Verdict is in.....To Eat (June 3rd, 2015)

On April 26th, I wrote an entry called “To Eat, or Not to Eat”, which was about a fish steak we bought at the Asian market, called Escolar. All of the recipes I referred to, said that it is a very good fish, but warned that eating too much off this fish could cause intestinal distress. So I froze our steak, and have been putting off cooking it, for fear of hurting my family.

Well, today I got brave and pulled it back out of the freezer. I decided that if I served it as an appetizer, everyone would get just a small taste, and it shouldn’t cause us any harm. I had Steve throw it on the grill with a little teriyaki sauce, and then served it with some steamed edamame. 

We each ate our little appetizer sized serving, and to our surprise, we all loved it! It has a very smooth, buttery flavor, and is probably the best fish we have ever eaten!

I now understand the warning on this fish, I could have eaten a huge piece and really enjoyed every bite of it. And the best surprise of all…we all felt fine the next day, thanks to the warning of others.

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