Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Boating (July 26th, 2015)

We headed to the boat ramp at about 11:00, not sure how crowded the parking lot would be, and to our surprise, it wasn't crowded at all. As I came back from parking the truck, there was a woman in a HUGE truck on the boat ramp. She had just launched their boat and was attempting to pull the empty trailer out of the water, even with the trailer empty, she kept sliding all over the boat ramp and couldn't get the truck to budge. Several men on the ramp were coaching her through it, and she finally managed to get the trailer out of the water. Poor thing! I think she was really frustrated by the time she was done, but I wouldn't have known how to help her. I was really glad there were a few nice people there who could. 

I crawled into our boat from the docks at the Windsor Beach boat ramp and we drove off toward the channel. It's always fun to drive through the channel, it is a no wake zone, so just a fun leisurely stroll. Boats are parked in the sand on both sides of the channel, and their owners are just enjoying a day in the water. We cruised under the London Bridge, and then turned around to find a place to park for awhile. 

We ended up on a sandy beach in front of the condos on the northeast side of the channel. The temperature outside today is about 109, and the water surface temperature is about 85. The water feels so refreshing when you get in, and believe it or not, when you get out, and into the breeze, you actually get goosebumps. We played on the channel for about an hour, and then Steve and our friend Kyle walked up to In-N-Out Burger to get us some lunch. We ate on the beach, in ankle deep water, using the boat as our table. What a gorgeous day! 

After lunch we took another cruise through the channel, we saw the nice couple that we were parked next to on Friday, they waved and smiled, and we also saw our friends Scott and Margie who also waved and smiled as we drove through. There was no where to park, so we just kept going. We ended up anchoring in a cove about 8 miles up the lake. There were 4 other boats in our little cove, but each boat just did their own thing. We all got out some floaties and drinks, and just spent the afternoon talking, laughing, listening to music and enjoying this beautiful place.

We pulled the boat off the lake at about 5:00, and came back to the house for showers, then we went to one of our "go to" restaurants here in Havasu. Mudsharks is a micro brewery that sells lots of good beers and has a nice menu too. Steve and I had chinese chicken salads, Kyle had fish tacos, and our daughter had gluten free pizza with white sauce, chicken and spinach. We shared our salads with her, and had a taste of her pizza. It was great! 

After dinner we all headed back to the house, where we pulled chairs out into the front yard, and sat in the cool night breeze enjoying the peace of the evening!

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