Monday, August 10, 2015

Second One Comes Home (May 14th, 2015)

This morning I did my usual Thursday morning weight lifting class, and then our soon-to-be son-in-law and I headed up to Fort Collins to help move our youngest daughter home. Fort Collins is a little over an hour north of our house. 

When we got there, our youngest daughter and her boyfriend were waiting for us. They took us to a place called Spoons for lunch, where we could use their last meal swipes. Spoons is located in the Allison dormitory complex on Colorado State University campus, and serves very nice soups, salads and sandwiches as part of the students meal plan. We all had soup and salad, with a really nice piece of bread. Our daughter had to bring her own gluten free bread but could eat everything else. It was a really nice lunch. After lunch, our daughter's boyfriend went back to study for his last final and we got all of our daughter's stuff moved out and her room inspected. 

While we were in town, we decided to visit the apartment complex where she’ll be living next year to make sure that everything is in order. Then our daughter headed to a study room to take her last online final, and our soon-to-be son-in-law and I drove her stuff home. She met us at home about 2 hours later. 

It’s nice to have everyone home for the summer.

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