Monday, August 10, 2015

Mom's Day and CSU Hockey Rookie of the Year (May 10th, 2015)

By yesterday evening, there were tornado warnings, hail, snow and thunderstorms throughout Colorado. Andra’s parents were beginning to worry, so they drove back to Colorado Springs last night. So mother’s day was celebrated with just Steve’s side of the family. We had to get up during the night to shake snow off of the trees. It snowed heavily, and unfortunately most the trees are fully leafed out. 

We got up early this morning to shovel the sidewalks and prepare the food. Everyone came over to our house at about 9:30 am. We felt so fortunate to have all of the kids together for what will probably be our final mother’s day with everyone. We had a wonderful brunch with appetizers, smoked pork and/or egg salad sandwiches, spinach salad, capresse salad, beans, and chips. We had Steve’s parents, his brother and sister-in-law, their son and his girlfriend, their daughter and her boyfriend, Our oldest daughter and her fiancé, and last but not least, our youngest daughter. Our youngest daughter's boyfriend was spending the day with his family, so wasn’t able to make it, but he did call our daughter to let her know that he was voted Rookie of the year on the Colorado State University hockey team. Woo Hoo! We're so proud of him. 

After our Mother’s Day gathering, our youngest drove back to Fort Collins for the final week of her freshman year. Our oldest daughter and her fiancé went over to his parent's house for their mother’s day celebration, and Steve and I started cleaning up from three very hectic days of events (see two previous posts). 

What a great weekend! What a relaxing evening!

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