Sunday, August 16, 2015

Making Up For Lost Time (June 20th, 2015)

It is now 4 weeks until retirement! While we were in Utah last weekend, we unfortunately missed the graduation party of a good friend. So this weekend, we had the pleasure of a private dinner party with their whole family. 

When we got to Dale and Lynne’s house at about 4:00, they and their oldest daughter were sitting out on their beautiful back deck, enjoying the weather and the scenery. We joined in on the conversation in the shade of their big umbrella, had some beers, and just caught up on all that has happened in life for all of us. 

Dale and Steve have been friends since 5th grade. There have been years, especially when the kids were younger, that we would camp together almost every weekend, but as the years went by, and our kids went to different schools, and developed different interests, our time together has become less consistent. But it doesn’t change the fact that we are all great friends. 

About an hour into our reminiscing, their youngest daughter, the new high school graduate, came home and joined us on the back deck. We have known both of the girls since they were born, and have had the pleasure of watching them grow up, so seeing them is always so much fun, to see how they have changed, and to catch up on their lives. Their oldest daughter is going to Metropolitan State University for Restaurant Management, and the younger one will be starting at Otero College in the fall for history.

Since it had been awhile since we have all gotten together, Dale and Lynne made a big turkey dinner to celebrate; it was complete with green beans, stuffing, and cranberries. What a treat! They always spoil us when we go over there. Our youngest daughter was then able to join us.  We topped off dinner with some cherries and gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies that we had brought. Then we all went down stairs, and looked at wedding pictures from our daughter's wedding together. We kept encouraging them to skip a few, because there were so many, but they were so patient and wanted to see them all.  

Thanks Dale and Lynne for a fabulous day!

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