Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Great Chipmunk Hunter (Sunday, August 6th, 2017)

One of our youngest daughter's favorite activities is the live chipmunk trap.  It doesn't hurt the chipmunks at all. She just catches them and releases them. It's an activity of patience for sure.

She sets up her trap, then sits patiently waiting for an unsuspecting chipmunk to go in after the peanut butter covered pine cone. 

While she's waiting patiently for the chipmunks to enter her trap, she takes pictures to keep herself occupied.

 A picture of our camp spot.

And one of the unsuspecting chipmunks.

Some of them don't even realize that they've been captured at first.

She lets them go pretty quickly so they don't get stressed, then she sets it up again and waits for her next catch.

It's amazing how many times she'll catch the same chipmunk over and over.  This has been one of her favorite activities since she was just a little thing.  It's fun to watch her still enjoying it!

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