Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Spicy Retirement Party (Thursday, July 27th, 2017)

When we got into town two days ago we received some mail from Steve's mom that hadn't gotten forwarded to us.  As we were looking through it, we realized that there was a retirement party for an old friend that we really wanted to go to.  The problem was that the party was tonight, and the rsvp date was over a week ago.  So we called our friend Wendy immediately to see if there was any way we could still come, and being the amazing person she is, she said 'Of Course'!  

Today was supposed to be an errand running, catch up day, so we headed out this morning to just get stuff done.  One of our errands was a stop at my favorite spice shop that I love and miss a lot.  It's called Penzey's Spices (They have an online store as well) in Olde Town Arvada.  They have everything, and they put jars of each spice out so that you can smell them. It's an amazing experience!

These are the things I miss in our new small town life!

Once all of our errands were done, we went to dinner with Steve's parents and Dennis and Cyndi at Las Potrancas, a small Mexican Restaurant close by. 

Then off to a retirement party for an old friend Wendy and her husband Jerre at Coohill in downtown Denver. 

Wendy and Steve started work together at their first career jobs. Both depending on each other.....  Shari and Bill had been working there for a short time so the four of them were close. 

Steve, Shari, Wendy and Bill 32 years later
We couldn't get Wendy and her husband in this picture, but here's the rest of us.
Me, Cheryl (Bill's wife), Shari and her husband Dave, Bill and Steve
 The venue was beautiful with lots of really good appetizers and drinks to choose from.They also had a band that was wonderful and really added to the entire event.

When we rolled into town two days ago, we didn't realize that we would be enjoying a wonderful retirement party with old friends. It was the best surprise we could have ever asked for!

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