Monday, August 28, 2017

Sometimes Life Hurts (Friday, August 25th, 2017)

We've been back in Arizona for a couple of days now, unloading, cleaning and putting away.  We thought we would be getting back to life as normal, but that isn't quite the case.  

Along with all of the joys of life, there also comes hurt and tragedy and unfortunately today we were given the news of both of those things.  On Monday night, after we left the cabin, Steve's mom fell and broke her arm, near her shoulder.  She's getting to the age where healing doesn't happen that quickly, and can be a long drawn out process.  Fortunately her break won't require surgery (we are hoping!), but it's still quite serious and she will be in a sling for the next six weeks or more until she is all healed up.  

We also received news that Steve's cousin's little girl has had a relapse in her cancer.  She fought it hard the first time and after three years went into remission.  She has enjoyed life without cancer for awhile now and was just given the news that it has returned.  I can't image going through chemo and all that comes with it as an adult, but I truly don't understand how a child can be asked to go through it...twice.  

Life certainly has it's moments when we have to stop and count our blessing and pray for those who are going through things that we can't understand.

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