Monday, August 14, 2017

Moving Day 1 (Saturday, July 29th,2017)

This morning we met our youngest daughter in Fort Collins to help her move out of her apartment.  She's looking forward to her senior year of school, back in an apartment with good friends, just ready to work hard and get it done.

We worked all morning, packing, cleaning, and move her stuff out. It wasn't bad at all, and by lunch time, we pretty much had it conquered.  Aah to be back in college without too much stuff  and junk to slow you down!!!!

We decided to walk over to Qdoba for lunch, but when we got there, they were closed.  There was a little Japanese restaurant right behind it.  Our daughter had never eaten there before, so we decided to give it a try.  We ordered two large combo bowls and figured that we could just spit them between the three of us.  

They were huge.  We ate until we were all full and still had lots of leftovers.  It was a great lunch!  We were really glad we tried it.

After lunch, we went over to her new apartment building and made sure that everything was in order.  Then we headed back to her old apartment, grabbed the last few things from her room, turned in her key and headed out of town.

Our daughter decided it would be fun to stay the night with us in the motor home, so we all drove back to Denver and had a great night, just talking, laughing and carrying on.  It is so nice to be back with our family.  They bring so much joy to our lives.  This is the reason we have worked so hard to simplify our lives, so that we have time for them when they are around, and can give them every ounce of our attention.  This makes us so, so happy!

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