Friday, August 25, 2017

Moving In (Saturday, August 12th, 2017)

Our fun trip to Colorado is drawing to an end, and it is time to move our youngest daughter into her new apartment for her final year of college.  After all the fun we've had, this is a bitter sweet day.  Getting her all ready for her next year of school, but also knowing that she will be so busy that we won't see much of her for quite awhile.  We're so proud of where she is in life and so excited for her future!

Two showers, three sinks and four girls.  So far so good!  

Steve's parents came along to help us move her in.  What an unexpected treat!

It's a bit of a mess, but she calls it home!

When lunch time approached, we had her somewhat moved in, but we really needed to grab a bite to eat.  So we headed out, and on the north side of town, they were having a down-pour!

We went to lunch at a little place called Zoe's Kitchen.  It is a Meditterrean fast food chain that she has been wanting to try. 

They had a very nice menu, but when Steve's parents took a look at it, they looked very confused as to what they should order.  So we decided that a family meal would give us a nice variety and allow them a lot to choose from.  We had  chicken with grilled onions, braised beans, Greek salad, steamed vegetables, and hummus with cucumbers and bread.  It was really good, and everything was gluten free except for the bread.

It was a great meal and we had lots of left overs for our daughter to enjoy later.  After lunch we headed back to her apartment and finished moving her in.  So glad we could be here to help her with this!

She'll still be able to stay with us for a few more days while she finishes up her internship, so for now we still get to enjoy her company.

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