Thursday, August 24, 2017

Crawdad Fishing (Sunday, August 6th, 2017)

Another of our youngest daughter's favorite pass times at the cabin is crawdad fishing.  The crawdads live in the rocks of the shallow water in all of the lakes.  We use little kid fishing poles and tie on bacon, sausage or chicken as our bait.  We don't catch the crawdads to eat, we just catch and release them for the fun of it.

I usually get on the action with her.  It's no fun crawdad fishing by yourself. 

We keep the crawdads that we catch in a bucket of lake water until we are ready to let them go.  You can see that there are a couple of really big ones with blue claws.  Those are always the most fun to catch because there aren't very many of them.

Then when we're ready, we pour them out on the rock and watch them make their way back into the water.  They always walk backwards, which we think is kind of funny.

We've been crawdad fishing at the lake for as long as I can remember.  It is much easier for young kids to catch crawdads than fish, so it's a great way to get them started.  It's one of those pass times that I don't think our daughter will ever outgrow!

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