Thursday, August 24, 2017

Maintenance Time at the Cabin (Saturday, August 5th, 2017)

There are always chores that need to be done at the cabin.  Some are small and fun, others are a little more strenuous, but none the less, we all enjoy helping with the cabin chores.  

Steve's mom spent a few minutes reloading the fat feeder for the birds.  They have all kinds of bird feeders in the front yard where they sit and enjoy the birds every day.

They don't look like they are working too hard, but neither am I, I'm just taking pictures.

We all helped Dennis move some trees that had fallen down over the winter.  

We just left this one.  It was a little bigger than we could handle.

Another thing that had happened over the winter is that a pack rat had built a nest in Dennis' wood shed.  The wood that had been stacked all nice and tidy in the fall was now all over the place, and a pretty big nest was in the corner of the shed.  He saved the dismantling of the nest for all of us since it would hopefully be an adventure.

You can see on the top of the shed door where the pack rat had chewed its way in.

So the boys went in with their pokers, thinking a pack rat would come running out at them at any time.  They are so brave.

But to our dismay, no pack rat.  Bummer!  We really wanted to see what it looked like.  It ended up not being much of an adventure at all.

Then a little more cleanup work around Dennis and Cyndi's cabin before it was beer break time.  Our son (in-law) is such a great sport!

Our youngest daughter got to do the job she has always dreamed of. She got to sweep the pine needles off the cabin roof.  Grandma and Grandpa always thought it was way too dangerous for her when she was little, so this was her first time and a dream come true.

Steve got a little car maintenance done to help the kids out. 

We certainly don't spend all of our time doing chores, but it's fun to see what we can come up with.  Chores in the mountains are so different than at home, so it's kind of fun to chip in and help.

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