Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Burren, Ireland (Thursday, July 25th, 2019)

This morning we drove south from Galway Bay, through the rugged plateau known as the Burren.  The Burren is an area of open country side and small towns, known for the remnants of buildings still remaining from the Irish Famine.

During the famine in 1845, caused mainly by the potato blight that hit the country, millions of people died and millions more emigrated from Ireland, leaving behind the homes and lives that they had loved.  The Burren is an area that still has so many of the remains of this time.  The Irish people leave them standing until they collapse on their own out of respect for their ancestors.

It's raining a bit, but we're on the bus, so were staying nice and dry.

I loved these signs in this small town in the Burren area of Ireland.

There is a small town in the Burren called Lisdoonvarna.  It is known as the match-making town in Ireland, and even has a matchmaking festival each year.

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