Thursday, August 1, 2019

Gardens of Kylemore Abbey, Ireland (Wednesday, July 24th, 2019)

We visited the incredible Kylemore Abbey, originally built by an individual for his wife, and later sold to the duke and dutchess, then turned into an abbey and school.  It is now part of the Connemara National Park.  The park covers nearly 3000 hectares of bogs, mountains, grasslands and woods.

Before going into the abbey, we took a quick train ride up the hill 
to the walled gardens of the property and walked through the acres of flower and vegetable gardens.

You have to love the wooden sheep at the entrance of the garden.

All of the walls are covered in "fan" trees.  These trees have been pruned to grow flat against a wall, but still produce fruit.  This one is a pear tree.


I would love to have a vegetable garden like this, but I don't think I have a prayer in Arizona.

When we completed our tour of the gardens, we waited in the overed bus stop for the bus to take us back down to Kylemore Abbey.

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