Saturday, August 17, 2019

Montana Wildlife (Wednesday, August 14th, 2019)

One of the things that we anticipated seeing in Montana was wildlife, and we have not been disappointed!  

We have been extremely surprised by the number of bald eagles we have see, so that has been a wonderful surprise!

Large herds of elk.

Beautiful old barns that have absolutely nothing to do with the wildlife, but beautiful none-the-less.

And hay field after hay field.

And if you are lucky, in the hay field, you will spot a golden eagle.

White tail deer.

A beautiful wood pecker.

More white tail deer.  They use their tails as a warning of predators.

And more elk.  This time we saw three cows and five babies.  Quite a sight!

Apparently everyone got hungry all at once.

We ended our wildlife adventure with a really unique sunset.

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