Saturday, August 10, 2019

Boiling Cauldrons, Yellowstone (Friday, August 9th, 2019)

We left Idaho Falls early this morning, knowing that today would be a big day.  We are heading to Yellowstone National Park.We went in the west entrance. We will only have time to do the south loop and still be back by night, but that's fine, it will be great to see it again.  

As we left the farm land and entered the mountains, the morning clouds were still hanging low.

Our first glimpse of the thermal pools as we entered the park.  Such an interesting sight to see.

We made our way through the lower base and midway basin first.


Old Faithful Geyser erupts on a fairly regular schedule, so the crowds can gather to wait for the every hour and a half eruption.

And as quickly as she erupts, she subsides again.

Driving the south loop of the park, we crossed the continental divide twice in a short time.

Our favorite of all of the geyser basins was called West Thumb, and was at the east side of Yellowstone Lake.

There are thermal pools under the lake's surface, making rings on the water as the gases rise up.

After west thumb, we moved onto the the Dragon Mouth Spring.  The gasses coming from this geyser cave make it sound like a dragon roaring.

A bubbling mud pot called the Mud Volcano.

And of course, the wildlife always steals my heart.

This bison herd created quite a raucous with the traffic.



Our quick day in Yellowstone National Park was amazing.  Not only is it a beautiful national forest with so much wildlife, it also has the unique thermal pools and geysers that you can't see anywhere else.  

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