Friday, August 2, 2019

Ring of Kerry, Ireland (Friday, July 26th, 2019)

Some more views of the Ring of Kerry, because this place is so gorgeous!

More remnants of days gone my in Ireland.  It appears that they have reinforced this particular house to help it remain standing.

This next picture is of a fort house.  It was a farm built in circles for protection against the Vikings.  The animals lived within the outer circle, and the people lived within the inner circle.  

Our lunch spot in the Ring of Kerry, Scarriff Inn.

Seafood chowder again!  Oh so good!

Heather grows wild along the roads in this area.  At this stop I was able to a closeup of it.

The wild flowers are incredible everywhere you look.

Even the fuchsia grow wild.  The bushes are often taller than me.

Our tour through the Ring of Kerry ended in the town of Killarney.

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