Thursday, August 1, 2019

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland (Thursday, July 25th, 2019)

The cliffs of Moher are a spectacular natural wonder in the south west of Ireland.  These cliffs tower 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.

It's a bit windy up on the cliffs!

From the cliffs, you can see the islands of Aran.

The wind was blowing hard as we walked along the cliffs.

From the cliffs, we saw this wonderful sight of cattle, by the stone wall, overlooking the beautiful green and lakes.  To me, this is a perfect representation of Ireland.

Even the visitor's center has been built into the side of the cliffs to preserve the beauty of this area.

The cliffs of Moher were such a treat to see!  Such natural beauty in a serene world where water and land come together.

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