Thursday, November 16, 2017

It's Fall...Even in Paradise (Thursday, November 16th, 2017)

The days have been perfect for the last month and a half, with cool mornings and warm "shorts and flip flop" days.  But today, we noticed a difference.  

When we woke up this morning, it was only 57 degrees out, so I put on jeans and a light sweater for the first time this fall.  I'm still wearing flip flops though.  And as we headed out to run errands, Steve turned on the heat in the car, for the first time this fall, to take the chill off.  I know, you're probably thinking...they don't know what a chill is, and you are right, we are so spoiled!  But we are starting to feel fall in the air, and I might even have to pull out my cute winter boots at some point.  

But for now, we open the windows all day, and close them up a little at night.  We haven't even come close to having to turn on heat in the house.  At this point it's hard to believe that we'll even have to.

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