Monday, November 27, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving from Colorado (Thursday, November 23rd, 2017)

We had the most leisurely day today.  We started out this morning in our PJ's watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live from New York City and drinking coffee in the comfort of Steve's parents house.  Steve's parents left yesterday to visit our niece in Wichita for Thanksgiving, so we have the house to ourselves.  

I don't think that in our entire married life we have ever worn our pajamas past 9:00, unless we were sick, but we chose Steve's parents house to change our ways.  We milled around the house all morning, making our bacon wrapped dates, our amaretto fruit dip and cleaning up the kitchen, all from the comfort of our pajamas.  We were feeling a little bit guilty, but we didn't let that stop us.

Once all of our morning work was done, we finally showered and got dressed for our Thanksgiving festivities.  Our oldest daughter's in-laws, Shanda and Greg, invited us to join them for their family Thanksgiving, which was so nice!  So we headed over to their house at about 2:30.  Their house is always so beautiful for the holidays, and is always open to anyone who needs a place to be.

Our always dramatic daughter.

We sat in the dining room at the "Adults Table" with Shanda's mom Alice and her friend Marilyn, and the other in-laws Bruce and Karen.  We talked a lot about travels, which was fun for all of us.

Shanda and Greg sat with all the kids in the breakfast nook, where it sounded like a lot of fun was being had.

We really enjoyed our time at Shanda and Greg's house.  It was so nice to see everyone and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal that everyone meticulously contributed to.

When we got back home, we swapped out our holiday attire guessed it...our pajamas.  We hung out all evening in our PJ's doing absolutely nothing, except for binge watching a great show that Steve's dad had recorded called "Life Below Zero", about people that live near or above the Arctic Circle.  Since I am a warm weather person, the show truly freaked me out, so I just couldn't quit watching.  I could never live like that!!!

We stayed up till about 1:30, doing nothing but watching prerecorded shows.  We don't really watch TV at home, so aside from our time at Greg and Shanda's, this was quite the crazy Thanksgiving for us!

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