Sunday, November 5, 2017

Glamis Day Four ( Saturday, October 28th, 2017)

We got up this morning and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and coffee under the shade of the big Palo Verde tree in the middle of camp. That tree has been a God send!  Unfortunately for Todd and Jen the shade of the tree lingers at their camp sight most of the day, so whether they like it or not, we all hang out at their campsite all the time.

I think this big tree has been my favorite part of this trip 😍

After breakfast Todd and Steve headed out to camp RZR in Todds sand car to drop off our drawing tickets for today and see if there were any winners from yesterday.  

These were the lucky ticket numbers that won something.

And the schedule of events for the weekend.

Then they we're going to head over to a camp on Gecko Road to have someone look at Todd's sand car. He has been having trouble keeping it running. On the way to camp the car quit running and left them stranded way beyond town, but they eventually got it running and made their way back to camp.   It sounds like it was a pretty wild ride.  If Todd took his foot off the gas at all it would die, so he just put the petal to the metal!

I think they were both pretty happy when they finally made it back.  It was definitely beer time they said!

So all of the men gathered around to see if they could figure it out.

It ended up being a bad fuel injector, which would have to be fixed later.

While the guys were gone, Jen and I were sitting in camp talking about how fun it would be if someone from our camp won one of the RZRs they were giving away, but knowing how slim those chances were, we started talking about how fun it would be if someone in our group won anything at all.  There are so many people here that the odds are really low.

About half an hour later, Sheila came back from Camp RZR and walked over to us carrying her new six-point harnesses that her son's ticket won for her.  Of all the people, we certainly didn't expect it to be him!  What an exciting day it was for them!

Just then we heard Dale yell, SNAKE!  So Jen and I immediately thought about the snake she saw under the tree on Friday night.  It was about as big around as a golf ball, and we're not sure how long.  We didn't stick around to find out.

So of course, I had to go over and see it!  My adrenaline was pumping as I ran over, only to find this little guy.  He was about as big around as a pencil, and about a foot long.  It was slightly disappointing, but still fun to see!

After lunch, a bunch of us packed up and headed to the sand drags.  They are in a large open area just before you get to Gecko Road.  Steve and I hadn't seen them before, so we were expecting it to be somewhat organized drag races with RZRs and sand cars, but that wasn't the case at all.

When we arrived, there were cars by the hundreds (or maybe thousands) on both sides of the drag strip.  

We pulled in where ever we could find a spot to watch.  It is basically a free-for-all.  Anyone who wants to run can.  It is just flat sand, so you can see how fast you can go without all of the hills.  There were sand cars, side-by-sides, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's, you name it, they were here racing.

Eric brought his radar gun to see how fast some of the cars were going.  The fastest we saw today was 106 mph.

I couldn't believe the dust that they kicked up, so I started looking around, and it was crazy.  These pictures are looking over toward Gecko Road, away from the races.

And back to the races.

This guy kept riding by us.  He was an amputee, but had no problem handling his little ATV.

When it started getting late, we headed out so we could get to Camp RZR when they opened the gates.  We weren't sure what the evening activities would be like, but we wanted to get in and get a good spot so we could get to the stage quickly if they called our names for our new RZR.  😉

When we got back to camp RZR, it looked completely different than it did during the day, with all of the lights and hype.

They had some cool videos at the beginning, and then showed the Camp RZR Stories, and had a karaoke competition which were all fun, but I have to say that after that, the night got very long.  I think they were trying to build the anticipation of who was going to win the RZRs, but they completely lost us.  The first four RZRs went to people who participated in the Camp RZR activities, which I think was great!  The last six were selected by winning tickets.  They called 10 people up on stage, and out of the ten, six of them won brand new RZRs.  We had a little one in our group and he did great, but the anticipation quickly turned into agony, and even for us adults, it was not fun to stand for that long.

Once the drawing was done, we all jumped in our side-by-sides and headed back toward camp.  The traffic was crazy.  There was so much dust on the road going back to camp that we couldn't see at all.  We just kept following the lights in front of us thinking that if he hit an obstacle, we would make sure we had enough reaction time to avoid it.  And sure enough, about half way back to camp, he drove through a huge fire pit, so we slammed on the problem for us.  The guy in front had a bit of a wild ride for a few feet!  When you're at Galmis at night, it is really hard to find your camp.  We were within about 30 yards of camp, and couldn't see where it was.  We finally pulled up the pin we sent to everyone on our first night so it could show us where camp was. 

When we got back to camp, we all joined Todd and Jen for some fettuccini alfredo they had heated up.  It was GREAT!  and so nice of them to share with all of us!

Then the boys all headed out for a night ride.  These pictures are of Oldsmobile Hill at night.  All of the lighted whips make it really pretty!

By the time the boys got back to camp, it was really late and all of us girls were sound asleep.  It sounds like they had a great time, but I think all of us enjoyed our pillows even more.

I learned a few things about myself on this trip that I'd like to share with you.  I think the dunes are beautiful and fun, but one ride a day is PLENTY for me.  Rolling over isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I really like hot buns from the fire coals. I am much more fond of big Palo Verde Trees than I realized. I really hate dust! Large crowds make me want to hide after awhile.  After five days in the dunes, I really missed being a girl.  And did I mention...I really hate dust!

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